Grands Formats and the Blum join forces to welcome Maracuja

On the occasion of the European Jazz Conference being held this year in Marseille, Grands Formats and the Blum are joining forces to welcome the group Maracuja, member of the Veston Léger collective, in concert.

Maracuja, the tropical name for the passion fruit, is a delicious blend of colours, inspirations and travels, created in 2012 by flutist Amina Mezaache. This variable-geometry quartet explores the teeming universe of Brazilian music and invites audiences to travel through different regions of Brazil, where each rhythm tells its own story, evoking Africa, the Amerindian Amazon, the arid plains of the Nordeste, or the lively, colourful ports of Rio. But Maracuja's journey doesn't stop there - it also takes in a whole host of cross-fertilisations, where the freedom of jazz meets the experimentation of contemporary music, or the spellbinding sound of trance music.

Saturday 16th September at 9:30 pm
Brasserie Blum • 125 La Canebière 13001 Marseille

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